Some of our Blackfen Community Library elves have been busy putting together Christmas Craft Goodie Bags over the past few weeks.

Along a range of artsy crafts to keep your little ones busy, our bags also include bubbles, colouring sheets, pencils, sweets, a Christmas story book.

See below for our tutorials on how to make your crafts the best they can be this festive period!

Craft Tutorials

Completely free of charge, come on down to the library and grab a craft bag before Christmas!

Keep up to date on similar activities and more via our Blackfen Community Library Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Colouring Competition

For the Summer Reading Challenge this year why not take part in our Colouring Competition? With different sheets for age 7 and under and 8 and over. Collect from our Front Desk and return by August 31st with your name and contact number on the back. You will receive a...

Treasure Hunt

Join our Summer Reading Challenge Treasure Hunt. Pages with characters from the Summer Reading Challenge will be displayed in shop windows around Blackfen - collect a clue sheet from the library Front Desk search for all the characters and when you return the sheet...