During this time of lock down, we are all trying to find ways to pass the time. That is why we are going to be offering a book delivery service. You can check which books we have available in our collection by visiting https://www.readingcloud.net/, log in [if you don’t know how to log in our quick guide will help], then use the search tool to look up a book or discover a potential new favourite. If you find a book you would like to borrow, simply let us know by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us on 020 8301 1433. Make sure you include your library card number and address.
We have created a handy Frequently Asked Questions, below, to help but if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to by emailing [email protected] or calling us on 020 8301 1433.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I request books?
Simply email us at [email protected] or call us on 020 8301 1433. Let us know which books you would like delivered to you and leave us your card number and your address. Please note we will only be on site at Blackfen Community Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10:00-15:00. If you contact us outside of these times, we will responded to you once we recieve your message when we are back on site.
Where will you deliver?
At the moment we have a reduced number of volunteers therefore we can deliver up to one mile radius of the Library. Please check the image to see if you fall within our delivery area.

When will the book be delivered?
We will contact you via email or phone to let you know the delivery day.
How will the books be delivered?
If applicable, we will post the books through your letterbox. Otherwise, we will leave the book(s) in a bag outside your door and ring/knock making sure to stand an appropriate distance away.
Should I disinfect the books?
Unfortunately, many of our books will not have dust jackets or hard covers that can be disinfected without damaging the book. Therefore, while we take appropriate measures (such as gloves and limit contact) to minimise the risk of transmission, we recommend that you quarantine the books for three days before touching them and that you sufficiently wash your hands after bringing the bag inside.
How do I return the books?
We can pick up books from you at the same time we deliver more. If you would like to return books, simply let us know when you contact us about the delivery and we will be sure to knock on your door. Please put the books in a bag that we can take with us and once you have collected your new books, place the bag outside your door. We can pick them up from there.
How do I check the availability of books?
Availability of books can be checked by logging into https://www.readingcloud.net/ and using the search feature. If you don’t know how to log in our quick guide will help. Please note that when a book is returned to us, we will leave it in quarantine for three days.
How do I see if a book is available?
Once you have logged on to www.readingcloud.net, use the search function for whichever book title or author you would like. Once you have found a book you are interested in, take a look under the book’s image and you will see three small circles (green, red, and blue). The blue circle shows the total number of copies we have at the library and the green circle shows how many of those we have available at the moment.
How many books can I borrow?
You can borrow up to your card limit (10). However, if you still have books on your card that you have been unable to return to us because of the lockdown, let us know in your email to us and we can take care of that for you.
Contact Us
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us on 020 8301 1433.
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