by Sharon Marriott | Apr 12, 2023 | Book Reviews
Book Review: Love Marriage by Monica Ali This is the story of Yasmin Ghorami, a young British Asian Muslim, a junior doctor in a London hospital, who lives with her doctor father, Shaokat (aka Baba), her mother, Anisah (Ma), who is, on the face of things a very simple...
by Sharon Marriott | Apr 12, 2023 | Book Reviews
Book Review: The Boy Who Sailed the Ocean in an Armchair by Lara Williamson This is a lovely story intended for children but as an adult I liked it and was moved by it. It took me through some laughs and also, at times, brought me to tears while here and there through...
by Sharon Marriott | Apr 10, 2023 | blackfen community announcement, Event
Having a Spring clear out? Fancy some new items? Want to make a little bit of extra cash? Come along to our Fayre as a buyer or seller! Buyers arrive from 7pm – come and find a bargain. Rooted will be open for drinks and treats too. Why not make a night of it?...
by Sharon Marriott | Mar 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
Join us on Easter Sunday morning for a special Easter Breakfast at 9.30am (bookable on Eventbrite) and then stay for our Easter Sunday Gathering 10-11.30am. @hello_blackfen 🎤 The Hub - Open Mic Night 🎤 Get ready for Check out these roles NGC is hiring for: "We...
by Sharon Marriott | Mar 23, 2023 | blackfen community announcement
Join us this Easter for lots of fun and games. We have an Easter Treasure Hunt – get a clue sheet from the front desk and find all the clues around the library and then exchange your answer for a little treat (starts on 1st April). Check out all our events over...