Groups Are Running

Don’t miss out! Groups every day! New groups starting soon…

Make new friends

Join one of our groups and meet local people with similar interests

Groups for Every Interest

If you can’t see a group you fancy – let us know and we’ll see if we can start one!


Groups and Activities for Adults

Our groups and activities offer something for everyone, young and old, so drop in, make new friends and have fun! Click on each day to see which groups are on!



Digital Support

10am – 12pm and 3pm – 4.30pm

Come along and get some help for anything digital – support using computers, laptops, ipads, iphones, support to fill in forms online or access the internet or help with banking online etc… Our dedicated Digital Champions are here to help you!!

Friendship Cafe

11am – 12pm 

Join with other members of the community for a coffee and a chat.

Bexley Carers Memory Support Group

11am – 1pm 

A group for people with memory loss and their carers. Please phone 0208 302 8011 or email [email protected] for more information.



Coffee Morning 

Wednesdays 10-12noon 

Come along for a coffee and a chat! Meet new people!

SEND Parental Support Coffee Morning 

1st Wednesday of the month 10-11.30am 

Come along and chat with other parents and carers to support each other, learn from each other and have an hour for yourself!!

Meno Cafe 

1st Wednesday of every other month 2-3pm 

Come and meet up with Jackie Fisher, Menopause Wellness Practitioner, to meet others, have a cuppa and discuss the menopause. The group is accessible, confidential and supportive.

Dementia Voice Group 

2nd Wednesday of the month 2-3pm 

This group offers the opportunity for people affected by Dementia to use their personal experiences to help shape the work that the Alzheimer’s Society does. Contact Catherine Littlejohns on 07562 906496 or [email protected] for more information.

Evergreen Befriending Coffee Morning

4th Wednesday of the month 11am-1pm

Come along and have a coffee and chat. Contact 01322 431765 or email [email protected] for more details.

MIND Digital Hub in the Community

Wednesdays 11am-1pm

Interactive digital support sessions run by Mind in Bexley, which provide an opportunity to develop your digital skills around a different theme each week. We will also make time for a friendly coffee and chat. Everyone welcome, including complete beginner. If you have never been to a Mind in Bexley group before come along and sign up on the day. For more information contact Holly on 07375 250365 or email [email protected]

SELCE Energy Cafe

Last Wednesday of the month 10am-12pm

Join the SELCE team for 1:1 Home Energy Advice on anything from saving on your bills, switching providers, debt advice and tips on how to make your home more energy efficient. They will be in Rooted Cafe on the last Wednesday of the month.

Digital Support

10am-12pm and 2-4pm

Come along and get some help for anything digital – support using computers, laptops, ipads, iphones, support to fill in forms online or access the internet or help with banking online etc… Our dedicated Digital Champions are here to help you!!



Age UK Coffee Morning

10.30am – 12.30pm

Come along for a free tea or coffee, chat and get information on Age UK services in Bexley. For more information and to book in please phone 0208 300 0883.

Bexley Carers Coffee Morning

2nd Thursday of the month 10.30am – 12.30pm

A chance for carers and former carers to have a coffee and a chat.

Neighbourhood Watch

2nd Thursday of the month 10.30am – 12.30pm

Come and talk to a local volunteer about anything to do with your neighbourhood.


2nd Thursday of the month 10.30am – 12.30pm

Come and talk to a healthwatch volunteer about your concerns or praise for anything health related.

Bereavement Care Group

1st Thursday of the month 1pm – 2.30pm

Come and grab a drink and chat with others, or just listen to others. A trained grief counsellor is running the group. Please enquire at the front desk for your name to be added to the waiting list.

Knit n Natter

1pm – 3pm

Join us to knit, crochet or embroider – bring your own projects. Any ability welcome.

Digital Support

10am – 12pm and 2.30pm – 4pm

Need support with anything digital – phone or computer or laptop help? Come and ask our Digital Champions who would love to help you.


Need help choosing a book?

Come and chat to our librarians on a Friday morning – they know more about our book stock than anyone! They will be able to recommend a book or two…

Digital Support

10am – 12pm 

Come along and get some help for anything digital – support using computers, laptops, ipads, iphones, support to fill in forms online or access the internet or help with banking online etc… Our dedicated Digital Champions are here to help you!!

FREE Financial Advice – Fortnightly


Come and meet James Westpfel, a financial advisor, to ask any quesions you may have about anything financial! Check with our front desk team when James is next in!

Colouring Club for Adults


Enjoy colouring to help you unwind and relax and meet some new people. Bring your own or we can supply!!

Bible Study – Fortnightly


Join this group to find out more about the world’s bestselling book!

Coffee Morning

11am – 12pm

Meet new local friends for a natter and cup of something nice!

Scrabble Club

1:30pm – 3:30pm

Multiply your brain cells with our friendly Scrabble club. Why not come along for a game?

Craft Club for Adults – 2nd and 4th Friday of each month

1 – 3pm

Try new crafts with our friendly craft group. Craft materials supplied sometimes requiring a fee of 50p or £1. Check in with the front desk for availability of places!

Coffee & Books – 1st Friday of the month

11.30 – 12.30pm

Come and join our reading group to discuss all things book related and enjoy a cuppa.


Parkinsons UK Support Group

1st Saturday of the month 1030-1230

Meeting the 1st Saturday of the month. Come and chat with others and share your experiences. Run by Volunteers from Parkinsons UK. Please contact Debbie on 07785 256244 for more information and to be added to the waiting list.

New Generation Church

Every Sunday 10-11.30am

Come and join us for our family friendly Sunday church gathering, meeting at Blackfen Community Library. Doors open 9.45am for free tea and coffee and our meeting starts at 10am til 11.30am. You can expect worship, prayers, a talk based on the bible or a current topic and the opportunity to be with others. There are age appropriate clubs for kids aged 5-16 and a baby area for parents to sit with their toddlers or babies during the meeting. We have some socially distanced seating in our coffee shop area if you would feel more comfortable. After our gathering, Rooted Coffee House is open for you to get refreshments and treats. For more info on New Gen Church:

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Supported by

Bexley Council logo
National Lottery Community Fund logo
Valuing Volunteers Gold logo
Get in Touch
020 8301 1433

[email protected]

7–9 Blackfen Parade, Blackfen, DA15 9LU

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